New Vision in Life

You cannot live beyond what you see.

Follow your inmost gut to see what you really want. 

That is a feeling or reaction based on an instinctive emotional response rather than considered thought.

Your life has a purpose.

When you see that purpose, you feel safe and satisfied.

Don’t just follow people if you feel a emptiness in it.

Believe that there is such a thing called real life. 

Be persistent in such a true desire, you will see the real life.

And it is worth living it every day.

Let’s go a little deeper.

If you are not sure your life has a purpose, you surely have no true vision.

You do not see where you are going.

You need to have a new vision.

Once you have the true vision, everything has a meaning.

And you know what you should do and you will enjoy it.

When we say vision, we mean a view, like a fixed image.

How do you get a view?

By experience, by seeing, by listening, by reading.

For example, many people get their vision by reading the Bible.

And many people reading the Bible without getting any vision.

What is the difference?

You have to eat what you read.

Then it is fixed to become your vision. 

You know it because you have tasted it.

It is like a bee not just smelling around the flowers, but sucking out the nectar to satisfand enjoy the goal of life.

Vision of Life is very important.

Where there is no vision, the people perish.